
How to use Discord for Business


2023-06-06 • 3 min read


Discord for Business Purposes

Take a look at the Discord’s logo. It's made in a form of a gamepad, which might give the impression that it's a tool exclusively for gamers. However, that's not the case. Discord can be used to address your business needs. In fact, many companies and projects are already doing so, especially in the cryptocurrency industry.

If you're hearing about Discord for the first time, let us provide you with a brief overview of this messaging platform. You can use it for free. If you wish, you can purchase a paid subscription called Nitro. With Nitro, you'll gain access to custom and animated emojis, stickers, HD streaming. You’ll get the opportunity to upload files up to 500 megabytes, and the option to write messages up to 4000 characters.

Features of Discord

Discord has two modes of operation. First, you can use it for one-on-one chats. Simply put, Discord performs the functions of a messenger familiar to us. The second mode is more interesting. You can create servers where you can invite as many people as you need. Discord allows you to communicate with people by text or voice. In terms of voice communication, this messenger is significantly superior to Telegram and Skype. We can say that Discord is specifically geared towards voice communication.

The server is a kind of community where people get by invitation. For example, you can gather colleagues or clients who use this messenger on one server. If you want to discuss something by voice, you will not need to call someone. The user simply turns on the microphone, and he is immediately heard by all the people who are currently on the server. Another useful function is screen sharing, which happens in the form of streaming.

Discord can integrate with other services such as Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, and so on. For example, you can configure the messenger in such a way that after tweeting, your tweet will automatically be displayed on your Discord server.

All users receive their own role, which is another advantage of Discord. You don't need to set up access permissions for each individual person. Instead, you can pre-configure a role and then simply assign that role to specific users. The list of permissions consists of 32 items, providing ample opportunities for customization.

How to Use Discord in Business

So, we've finished the introduction. Now let's find out how this messenger can help you in practice.


Of course! Once you gather dozens or hundreds of people who use your product on one server, you can share promotional messages with them. There's no need to pay for targeted advertising to find the customers you need. Simply upload the relevant information to the server, and these customers will discover the message you wanted to convey to them. Many people use Instagram in a similar way. However, due to the large number of subscriptions, a person may not notice your message in a feed. With Discord, the user receives a notification.


As mentioned earlier, Discord offers a wide range of communication features. You can discuss issues and suggestions with your customers. Additionally, users can do this without your direct involvement. For example, a user can write a question related to your product, and another participant can provide an answer without your intervention.

Hosting Giveaways, AMA Sessions, and More

No other messenger provides such high-quality functionality for conducting these events. You can easily go live and interact with users. For instance, you can give the floor to different people who will ask you questions in turn, while the rest of the users are muted. Hosting giveaways using Discord is also a great idea. Everything will be transparent, and all users can observe the process.

Product Presentations

Has your company developed a new product? Show it immediately to your target audience. Go live and provide detailed information about the product. Importantly, you can receive feedback during the live session. As mentioned earlier, you have the ability to give the floor to individual users.

Encouraging User Activity

You can make your customers interested in participating in your company's activities. Discord allows you to reward users for their activity. For example, the criterion can be the number of messages. Users won't be able to achieve good results through spamming because Discord has a good spam filter. The messenger itself generates a leaderboard. At the end of a specific period, you can reward the most active users. For example, a good idea would be to give a gift or provide a discount on a product or service to these users.

Discord in the Cryptocurrency Industry

This messenger brings a lot of benefits to all stakeholders in this field, including cryptocurrency owners, project developers, and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Let's start with "regular" digital asset holders. Discord allows them to earn coins. For example, many projects reward their users for their activity, as we mentioned earlier. Often, organizers don’t disclose the criteria by which winners will be determined. Users also don’t know what exact prizes they will receive. Therefore, Discord becomes a way for them to earn something valuable, rather than just a messenger.

From the above, it can be concluded that project developers themselves are interested in Discord. For them, it serves as a free advertising tool. As mentioned before, organizers don’t always tell users what they need to do to receive a drop. As a result, people start showing activity in various ways: sending messages, reposting links on their social media, inviting new users to the server, and so on. Obviously, this positively affects the popularity of a particular coin and project.

By the way, the more accounts a user has, the higher the chance of earning something. Many people buy Discord accounts on specialized platforms. Project developers do the same. If you want to buy an account, you can visit Discord section on our website. Verified accounts are sold here, which can be used for any purpose immediately after purchase. You have the opportunity to buy practically any number of accounts. For example, you can easily obtain 1000 Discord accounts with just a few clicks.

Cryptocurrency exchanges use Discord as an advertising platform. We have already mentioned the advantages of such a tool in terms of advertising.

About Discord Bots

This messenger allows administrators to automate many processes that occur on the server. Additionally, many bots independently monitor the “cleanliness” of the server. Let's look at five possibilities that these bots can provide. By the way, some of them are free, while others require payment.

  • Automatic information posting. For example, this is useful in the cryptocurrency industry. A bot can autonomously find the exchange rate of specific cryptocurrencies and share this information with the people on the server. The administrator doesn’t have to be involved in this process.
  • Reposting messages from social media. We mentioned this earlier. If you want, once you make a post on a social media, that post will automatically appear on your Discord server.
  • User information. A bot can conveniently display information about how many people are currently online. You will be able to obtain information about the number of new users that have joined recently.
  • Bot as an automatic moderator. You won't have to manually search for “bad” users who spam or violate the communication rules on your server. You can configure the bot to automatically delete unnecessary messages. Additionally, you can "ask" the bot to block users who have violated the rules. It will work around the clock.
  • Automatic posting. With such a bot, you can preload messages and select the time for them to be published on the server.

Furthermore, Discord offers a wide range of entertainment bots. For example, there are music bots, bots that conduct surveys and independently generate leaderboards for those who answered questions correctly. You can turn your server into not just an informational platform but also a place where users come to spend enjoyable time.

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